“For starters I would like to say that at the start of our meetings I literally didn't even know that a woman's body had four different stages that it transitions through each month. I did not know what day started as the "first" day of my cycle. I knew you could somehow track your cycle but I literally had NO idea how to do this.
This is coming from a 25 year old woman - with a CHILD. I did not know the way my own body functioned each month, let alone how to utilize these phases to optimize my health.
To say Katelyn's knowledge and guidance changed my life is an understatement. She taught me something that women should be taught in school, and unfortunately we are not. She taught me to be in tune with my body. She encouraged me and showed me how to take control of my reproductive health.
She taught me the basics of my Cycle, Cycle 101 she called it. I giggle at myself now looking back on these documents because how the heck had I gone 25 years without knowing what's going on within my own body!
Katelyn taught me how to truly track my cycle, she taught me about the 4 stages of my menstrual cycle, how long they each last for, as well as an estimate of which number day of your cycle they would fall on. This was a game changer!
She gave me details down to particular foods and snacks to consume during each phase, to even which exercises would best serve my mind and body during said specific phase. I mean in word documents to refer back on, not just by word of mouth. AMAZING!!!
I hadn't told Katelyn until the very beginning of April that my husband and I were trying to conceive our second baby. I truly believe her guidance and knowledge allowed me to conceive SO quickly. It would have been a literal shot In the dark had she not taught me when my body was ovulating. I was pregnant by the end of the month. INSANE!!!”