Hi there, I’m Katelyn

My Story

Flashback to 2014. I was 14 and wondering why I was (it seemed) the last one of my friends to get their period. I knew, even then, that everyone’s body worked differently, but I still felt out of place. In the Summer of 2015, I finally got my first period while at my friends house and- to be blunt- I thought I had somehow sh*t my pants without knowing it (I’ve come to learn that this is a common first experience). She told me that it was probably just my period and she was right. A miserable 2 cycles later, I went to the gynecologist for extremely heavy and unmanageably painful periods- I’m talking bleeding through an ultra tampon every 30 minutes and not being able to get out of bed for days at a time. There I was, getting a pap smear and pelvic exam at 14 years old. After determining that I had an ovarian cyst to blame for all this misery, I was prescribed a birth control pill to “get rid” of my cyst and “normalize” my periods. 

I gained 30 pounds in 2 months. That was a lot for the young girl who’d been a size 00 and couldn’t put on weight throughout childhood if she tried. I went back to the gyno and her first reaction was, “that’s normal”. It’s not normal.

She eventually changed my pill to one that had ⅓ of the estrogen as the original. Throughout the next few years, I was moody, unmotivated, disconnected, and depressed. None of which was normal for me, nor warranted from anything happening in my life. She again assured me that everything was normal. It’s not normal.  

By this time,  I had also developed vaginismus from the pill and the stress of it all. 5 pills and 5 years later, I decided enough was enough and I knew that the symptoms that put me on the pill in the first place weren’t any worse than how I was feeling while on it. I decided to take back control of my own body and, in December of 2018, I quit birth control cold turkey. I began digging myself into a rabbit hole of research around birth control, healing my body naturally, and regaining a regular cycle. I found all of the information that I wish I’d been taught in school and in the past 5 years of suffering. 

That’s why I’m here. To educate, empathize and empower you to take back control of your health and to prove that the current medical standard of women’s health is unacceptable. You CAN get off birth control and utilize natural forms of cycle tracking to avoid pregnancy if that is your goal. You CAN heal your painful symptomatic periods and regulate your cycle without any medication. You CAN get pregnant and give birth naturally. You CAN achieve your desired health status without fad diets and expensive supplements. 

My goal is to share the knowledge I had to learn the hard way, so it’s easy for you. I want to teach young girls how to understand and love their menstrual cycle. I want to teach women how to heal their symptoms and how to sync their life around their cycle to feel better than society tells us is possible. I want to take a step back from today’s advancing world and get back in touch with our primal instincts and health levels. 

I know now that I had to go through that period of temporary pain in order to help other women never experience it, and I am so excited to see you evolve into the next level of your healthy, flourishing, feminine and aligned self. 

I offer individualized health coaching for cycle sycning, hormone balancing, functional nutrition, fertility restoration, and pregnancy guidance. Through a bioindividualized lens, nutrigenomic analysis, and holistic nurturing, your dream physical, mental, and spiritual state awaits you.