Women’s Wellness

Flourishing Fertility Grounded Genetics Holistic Healing
Whole Wellness

Your haven for all things natural health and balance.


Birth Control

Whether you are wondering if you or your maturing daughter should start taking it, wanting to break up with it & get your body back to self-regulating, or needing to figure out how to support your body best while staying on it- I am your girl.

Cycle Syncing

During the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle, fluctuating hormones and energy levels lead to your body requiring different nutrients and care during each phase. Tapping into this sense allows you to adjust for your body’s current requirements, ultimately allowing for peak performance in all aspects of your life.

Holistic Healing

Whether you’re suffering from a chronic condition, or just looking to achieve optimal wellness, we will work together to create a personalized plan for you to get feel your best and work toward your peak wellness.


Infertility rates are at an all time high and rising. We are constantly being exposed to fertility effecting toxins in the environment, the products we use, the foods we eat, and the thoughts we think. Let’s get your fertility flourishing.